

The wins and great moments that make all the hard work worth it.


Jan 13-14, 2018-Nicole Watts and Naju & Dervish. Nicole writes: The Najerina and Dervilicious had a BIG weekend of USDAA in Santa Rosa. Came away with much to celebrate, some homework assignments, and many to thank. Naju highlights: Grand Prix Q1st- a bye! First time in Masters Snooker and a Super Q! Finished Advanced Jumpers title and Q-1st in first try in Masters Jumpers. Oh, and my favorite run: A clean run and Q in Team Jumpers. Dervish and amazing teammate Sunday/Juliette Noh ("A Pair of Pious Pooches") got a Q and 5th place in the PVP team event, and Dervy had nice snooker and jumpers runs too. To work on: start lines (both dogs!), my handling of front crosses (as always) and setting the correct line to the obstacle I actually want the dog to take. More DW and teeter contact training, of course... what else is new. THANKS to Juliette, "Naju's Super BO'ys" teammates Dianne Morey /Super Sic and Carol Bowers/Bo, Sharon Kennedy and Anne Kajava for super fun advanced pairs runs -- to Barbara H. for being such a dedicated videographer and friend, and especially to Steve Shirrell for his incredible hospitality and friendship in the midst of everything. Apologies to all the score table workers for Naju's ear-splitting startline barking. I will try to bring you all ear plugs next time. Here's a video montage of some of Naju's work-- my camera could not deal with the backlighting so some of the best and silliest moments were too dark to really see, but we got some fun stuff.

Jan. 17, 2018-Sandra Magee and Paris. Sandra writes: Today Paris got a real treat. She got to run containers in Donna's nose work class. The goal of this exercise was to demonstrate to the class a methodical working dog. Welll, the laugh was on us. Ms. Peeps walked into the building and found the hide is just mere seconds - probably the fastest she has ever found odor in a box. Did I have egg on my face??? You bet. But darned if I don't love this dog!

Jan. 20-21, 2018- Anne Graumann, and Wiskey (Naishi x Bella). Anne writes: Whiskey's first PSJ Q & win. His other Q for the weekend came in Pairs with Zoe and Sheri Schemenauer. Cheerio and Jean Muenster made our "We'll have fun - dammit!" PVP team a delight. Thank you, ladies! And Whiskey got to finish off the weekend running both PMC Standard and P3 Standard with Roger Ly. Great fun watching those runs. Thank you, Roger, for stepping in for me on those two fast and furious courses by Barbara Standiford where I knew I just couldn't keep up. It was a great weekend at Happy Dog!!!

Jan 26, 2018 Cathy Kenny and Lily. Cathy writes: Great weekend in agility, Lily Q'd all four jumper runs, so now all we need is four Gambles and 5 Regular for her ATCH. The next two weekends will be rally, fingers crossed for RM points as we close in on her RTCH as well.

Feb. 3, 2018-Kristin Backstrom & Copper (Zoom & Cricket) Kristen writes: Copper and I competed at the Minnesota Mixed Breed Club’s WCRL Rally Trial today. We received 2 first places with scores of 209 and 207 out of 210. This finished our Rally level 2 title (RL2). Next time we will start our journey towards the 1st championship title (ARCH). I’m excited as WCRL rally will be challenging our minds and giving us new exercises to learn in our repertoire. The day ended with the bonus of getting home safely after getting a few inches of snow while at the trial. Love the big red boy!

Feb. 4, 2018 Cathy Kenny and Lily. Cathy writes: Woo hoo! Lily HIT today with a perfect 200 in masters!

Feb. 7, 2018 Marcia Hodes and Clay. Marcia writes: Clay’s very first Q ribbon! He found the hide in the area search but was one spot off in both buried hides and containers. However, he had a great attitude and we had so much fun.

Feb. 10, 2018 Philippa Sloan and Zest. Philippa writes: So thrilled with my gals tonight at Smart Dog Trial (Canada). Zesty got her 1st Adv Standard and a Steeplechase and Lukka got both of hers as well. Great start to a fun weekend!

Feb 10-11, 2018-Nicole Watts and Dervish. Nicole writes:Lots of great work from the pups at ASCSC's ASCA trial this weekend. And, ATCH III Dervish! Sunday's last Gamble Q wasn't the most stylish, but it got the job done!

Feb. 26, 2018- Nicole Watts with Dervish & Naju and Christy McBride Friedman with Flirt. Nicole writes: This was so cool. Littermates Naju and Flirt (DervishxQuinn) and their mom Dervish running the same ASCA Elite Jumpers course at the end of the weekend of the PASA trial. Mama Dog Dervish had the fastest time :-) Christy McBride Friedmann needs to post some brags; she and Flirt are doing AWESOME work.

Mar. 10, 2018-Jessica Houge and Slyder. Jessica writes: Slyder was a superstar today. He earned 2 Master Standard Q’s which earned him 3 titles: Master Standard Bronze, Bronze Versatility Award and Bronze Award of Merit.

Mar. 30-Apr.1, 2018-Linda Van Diijk and Indy (George x Dell) PASA/ASCA agility trial, Turlock, CA. Linda writes: 2 Qs. 1 to complete novice regular, 1 in open regular. Now in open in everything. Had an awesome open jumpers run, but knocked the last bar. Fun weekend!

Mar. 30-Apr.1 , 2018-Gina Larson and Nikki Delta Show, Turlock, CA. Nikki finished her A-CH. with a 3 pt. major under breeder judge Bert (Roberta) Rettick, Judy Norris. The afternoon show she took another 3 pt. major under AKC judge and also went BOB.

April 1, 2018- Nicole Watts with Dervish Delta Show, Turlock, CA. Dervish was shown in conformation by Gina Campodonico and took a RWB.

Mar. 30-April 1, 2018-Christy McBride Friedmann and Flirt PASA agility trial, Turlock, CA. Just got home from spending a great weekend with great friends and a little agility thrown in for fun. Flirt had 4 qualifying runs and came home with her Open Regular title. She is now in Elite in every class! Still have a lot to work on but this baby girl amazes me with every run. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with their family and friends!

Mar. 30-Apr.1, 2018-Deb Langly and Huey -PASA agility trial, Turlock, CA. Deb writes:

Mar. 30-Apr.1- 2018-Nicole Watts with Dervish & Naju The Dervy Quinntet (Dervish X Quinn), or at least three of them plus their mom, had a fabulous time at the PASA agility trial last weekend. Sara Maasen/Ryker got his first Qs and a first place in Nov. Jumpers, Christy McBride Friedmann/Flirt earned their elite regular title and had some lovely fast runs, and Naju barked her way around multiple courses as quickly as her legs would carry her. As a bonus, Gina Campodonico showed Dervish, cleaned up as best as could be done by an indefatigable Gina Larson, to Reserve Winners Bitch in the conformation show ring!

Mar. 30-Apr.1, 2018-Sara Omalley with Ryker. PASA agility trial, Turlock, CA. Sara writes: Omg I love it! Ryker has his tongue sticking out haha (family picture), typical thing to see! This is such a good looking little family. Ryker went on to bring home another Q and 1st place in jumpers round 2... the last jumpers round 3 I underestimated the degrees of the turns and couldn’t run fast enough to get into place but he sure tried hard to still do a good job. Overall he exceeded my expectations and handled all 10 runs like he’s done it before, I think another thing is he’s getting used to knowing when to take off at a full run.

Apr.13,2018- Nicole Watts with Dervish & Naju Dervish got the 2nd PVP Team Q she needed for Cynosport today, with a 2nd place Team Q, but she also won "most valuable teammate" for the 16" performance class (and actually was the "most valuable" performance teammate overall, though they didn't do those calculations). The only fault we had was when I crashed into the wing of a jump!
And, Naju's team got a team Q and 4th place, and Naju was the 2nd place "most valuable teammate" in the 20" Championship class.They were good dogs :-)

Apr. 20-22,2018-Gina Larson and Do-I-So great seeing everyone at the Silver Bullet stock dog trial. I traveled to CA in hopes to finish Do-I's PATD cattle, Course F cattle with a score over 100 and Advanced farm trial cattle. So happy to say Do-I finished her advanced farm trial title with a 2nd place, her PATD cattle title with a 2nd place and course F cattle with a first place and a high in trial cattle

Apr. 21, 2018-Philippa Sload and Zest. Philippa writes: Great Friday/Saturday of Comets Trial for my crew! Lukka earned her Bronze Team with partner Sarah Weber and Osa, and Zest earned her Advanced Agility Dog of Canada Title! Thanks to Glenn Tiede and Brenda Witt!

Apr.22,2018-Cathy Kenny and Lily-ASCA agility-TX. Huge congrats to Cathy and Lily for their 1st place win in Gamblers Elite. Cathy writes: Lily now only needs 1 Reg and 1 Gambler's to get her ATCH!

Apr. 22, 2018-Philippa Sload and Zest. Philippa writes: Zest! finished off her last leg of Advanced Standard giving her her Advanced Agility Dog of Canada .

Apr.22, 2018-Deb Langly and Huey. Deb writes: I know a big boy who got a 51 pt Snooker first place this weekend! He was da man!

Apr. 27, 2018 Cathy Kenny and Lily. Received a call from Cathy. Lily was HIT and HC at the TX ASCA Rally trial.

I can no longer keep up with this page. I appreciate all of your hard work and believing in and promoting Windmill dogs. Huge congrats to all of you on your journeys.

Though I am no longer posting everyones success I must say a huge congrats to the following owners and their dogs for making ASCA Nationals Finals:

Cathy Kenny and Lily - Rally Finals

Nicole Watts and Dervish and her daughter, Naju - Agility Finals

Susan Laursen and Oliver - Agility Finals

Gina Larson and Do-I - Cattle Finals

Gina Larson and Nikki - A-Conformation Finals


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